Monday, February 22, 2010

HW 40 - Interviews

Part A :

Question- Is your primary motivation in participating in school to socialize or to learn ? ; How do our motivations to learn and socialize affect each other during our school experience ?

Maxi: Well i do go to school to learn because that's what i have to do so i can get a good job in my future but i don't think i would be able to survive school without friends. (what do you think benefits you more in the future, friends or physics ? ) My friends probably because i don't think Im ever going to use anything in physics because i probably wont even remember what i learn but my friends would be there for me whenever i need help .

Elias: To socialize , duhh . ( can you expand on that please ? ) Nah i cant . haha nah but i think everybody is like that .

Raylette: To learn , i don't really enjoy the people in my school . all they do is talk shit about each other behind each others backs. ( but don't you like the drama , i mean if there wasn't any , would school be interesting ? ) Probably not . Like i don't like the drama but its always there , i guess you can saying makes school interesting. like yeah im thinking now , if there wasn't drama i would feel like a robot going to school taking notes and coming back home.

Part B :

HW 39 - First school assignment

Questions :

1. Do students come to school to learn or to socialize ?
2. How useful is the information we are forced to learn in school ?
3. Do adults remember the Experiences or the material they in-countered in school ? Why ?

1. School Started to stop child labor .
2. School is designed so that without it , you cannot hold any weight in society .
3. There is success outside of school .


1. DC trip in 9th grade .
2. The Crime Scene lesson in Ms.Chen's class in 9th grade .
3. Learning about the Muslim culture in Ms.Sadok's class in 9th grade .


Thursday, February 11, 2010

HW 38 - Art Project Cool

Untitled from Stephanie Adames on Vimeo.

1. What insights about cool does the art integrate? What do you hope people will realize or question from their encounter with your art?

The aspect of cool that we were trying to show in this video is how the guy thinks he is cool by being a jerk.

2. Describe the process of making the project - how'd you do each step? If it was a group project, what did you contribute?

Each step of the way we came up with random ideas and just played them out. The main part of the video was to show that him being a jerk didn't allow people to take him serious because they thought he was just trying to be cool so when it came to the meeting about raising money for Haiti, no one wanted to listen to him but he actual came up with a good idea . This shows that he was putting an act of being a jerk to be like his shield in high school so people can think he is cool .

3. Does making art seem cool to you? Why or why not?

Making art does seem cool to me because it is a way to be creative in a unique way. Although there really isn't a way to be unique because we are all puppets of media , when we create art an inner part of us is revealed that others may not understand. When people create art it is almost like the only thing in the world that actually belongs to them .