Saturday, September 26, 2009

HW 6 - Video Project

Viedo Project from Stephanie Adames on Vimeo.

Heres a picture of the environment i was in while recording this video.


1. What are some thoughts and feelings you have when watching your own video?

When i look back at this video i noticed how distracted i was by all these electronic devices. I even stopped while putting on lip gloss to respond to an instant message that had popped up on my screen. Even while i was chatting i stopped to answer a text message and on top of all of that i managed to slide in some bops to the song playing on my ipod. Not only was i distracted by my computer from something that had nothing to do with technology , but i was distracted by other digital devices.

2. What do you think of the contrast between what's happening ON the digital representation device and what you look like interacting with the DRD?

This is a good question. When i look at the video it seems as if im not doing anything productive at all ! While i was recording the video i was checking my school email and found out about a overnight trip to penn state. I instant messaged my best friend to ask her if she would come with me to the trip. I believe my conversation was productive but while watching the viedo i was confused on how exactly i felt during the conversation with my best friend. I looked dull as if i wasn't int rested and was just looking for the next best thing to entertain me but i recall feeling excited about meeting new people on the trip and getting to visit the campus of a school im applying to. I guess i didn't physically react to my emotions because there was noone around to witness it so i just expressed them digitally with some smiley faces and exclamation points. My theory is that the overload interactions with this digital representations of socializing takes away from the physical experiences of emotions when interacting with people physically.

3. What do you think of ideas like the Wii that are supposed to make this contrast less stark?

Whoever invented Wii was cleaver. Its an electronic device which involved physical activities. My position on whether or not it is good or bad in this debate of media is blurry. Yes it is a digital game but in order to play it involves physical activities. I think this is a good way to involve someone who is obbsessed with video games to something more physical. Now using the game as a replacement of day to day exercise is not something i dont support. Wii has this yoga game where you use a board to balance yourself and get a score for doing good. Personally this is ridiculous. The purpose of yoga is to relax and feel connect with your body, not to be distracted by a game to win points. This game proves that digital media takes away from physical activites and interactions. The main enjoyment of our lives.


  1. Great video. You mightve not spoken throughout the entire thing but nevertheless just as you posted underneath you did so much at the same time. Those included emailing, research, IMing. If i had to throw any advice by you, id just try to eliminate the scratchy background noise that covers the entire video half the time. It was very irritating but looking past the sound and to the imagery it was good. I also wanted to mention that i agree with your take on the WII also. Sure, its meant to bring gamers out of they're lazy state but im still pretty sure that Nintendo's main objective is still to sell these games. I also have heard that actual outdoor jogging compared to an indoor tredmill is way more effective, so im guessing the same concept for playing virtual tennis indoors uses much less cardio than you would outdoors.

  2. Thank you for the comment Chris. Yeah i don't know why the noise was messing up , i tried to fix it but i think there is a problem with my web cam.

    Ive heard the same thing about exercising outdoor is actually more efficient then indoors. Can you imagine how low the percentage of efficiency is going to be for the wii; that is if people actually depend on it to work out.

  3. i see with all the things you were doing you had the chance to put on your little lip gloss to look pretty lol but other than that it was a good video it shows the different technology you use daily and it also shows that once you get bored with one you quickly switch to another and be occupied for awhile and maybe a little music in the background would of made the video more interesting.

    well i am out - anias
