Saturday, September 26, 2009

HW 7 - Interviews and Surveys

Interviewing a family member : My step father .

Q: Do you believe that technology is an advantage for our generation as oppose to when you were a kid and cellphones weren't invented ?
A: I don't believe in technology. I'm the only person at my job who refuses to have a computer in their office. I stick to old fashion researching books for knowledge instead of getting half stories or false information online. I have an email account because it is mandatory for work but i never go near it. My secretory checks it for me , and prints out the emails i need to read. I also hate cellphones and the idea that when a new one comes out , you have to buy it because your old one doesn't have the latest applications. Ive have my regular flip phone for 8 years (the first and only cellphone he has owned) . I barely even use it. If someone needs to contact me , from 730 - 5 they can call my office and other hours at my home. I turn it off during the weekends unless we go out the house. I have a cellphone just in case of emergency not to socialize.

Q: Do you think that if you were introduced to cellphones during your teen years , you would have developed this "addiction" my generation has?
A:Honestly i think i would be. Kids now a days are told what to do by the media coperations . They are told what to wear , what to like , what to consider cool, what to buy , and even how to act. This form of manipulation can take over anyone mind especially if they are often exposed to them and aren't told not to listen. When these digital things for popped out on the market , people were so fascinated by them that they didn't have a reason not to buy them. As they improved, people became even more interested in the gadget. The point is , yes, if i was exposed to cellphones and laptops and myspace and all of that crap, i would be hooked on it.

Q: Do you think we can ever break out of the digital world?
A: Not a chance. Everything depends on technology now. There is no way to fully stay away from it. Its there at home, at school , at work , in the streets. The world has become dependent on it weather or not they would like to admit it. Technology will advance and as it does , everyone will participate.

Interviewing random people in the streets :

I don't have the exact exchange of words but i can summarize the answers we got at the park.
We interviewed two female tourist. They said they are always on the computer at work but barely on their phones and they don't have facebooks or myspace or anything equalivant to it.

A girl about our age said that she went three months by choice with out a cellphone. i personally do not beilieve this. I think she cuaght on to the purpose of our questions and wanted to prove us wrong. Im pretty sure her line either got cut off or her phone was taken away by her parents.

These two ladies were sitting down on the becnhes so we decided to harrase them with our questions. One of them had her iphone in her hand and was claming to only use her phone two hours each day. After we gave her a few , "are you sure's" She changed her estimate to "ok maybe like 6 . " Yeah, that sounds more like it.

Interviewing my best friend :

Q: How often to you check your myspace , facebook ad twitter ?
A: About 5 times a day, depending if the computer is avaiable or not. I get twitter texted to my phone so thats nonstop vibrations and i have a facebook app on my cellphone so it makes it easier for me to reply to my notafications .

Q: The people you comment on facebooke, myspace etc. , how often to you interact with them physically ?
A: I go to school with almost all of the people i have as friends on myspace and facebook. Some kids are people i use to go to school with but i dont really message them just someitmes when im bored see what they are up too and stuff .

Q: If you see alot of these online friends in school why are you often on facebook?
A: Honestly i dont know. Its more of a habit. They write to me so i write back.

Q: Would you consider your self obbsesed?
A: No. I have a life. I dont just stay home staring at my computer waiting for a reply.

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