Friday, May 28, 2010

You are the man ; extra credit

What did the performance suggest might be the underlying dynamics that lead to domestic violence? What are some dynamics that might support/allow domestic violence, as shown in the performance?

According to a World Health Organization study rates of domestic violence vary widely in different countries.

Is the personal story related in the performance something you can translate to a political approach? If so, please write a strategy - in a series of 3-10 steps - to change our culture so that domestic violence becomes extremely rare. If not, please explain why not, and discuss the value of the play apart from sparking social change.

Address another aspect of the performance and/or discussion that you'd like to explore or analyze.

4. Was this experience of watching the performance and discussing it afterwards valuable enough to be repeated next year? Why or why not?

1. What i interpreted from the play that lead to domestic violence was Jealousy.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HW 58

I did not know that Mellisa had children but when she came to speak to us she seem like she had the ideal family. A girl and a boy , about two years apart. She mentioned the age difference was perfect because it kept them at the same level. When she started talking about her rules while parenting her children i thought to myself , "She has it completely under control". I fell inlove with the way she parent her kids. Monitoring the time on the internet and television was what i was most impressed by. This connected to an earlier unit in Andy's class about the amount of hours people spend dependent on technology and media. I also really liked the fact that she read to them every night. This is something that parents rarely do.
When she mentioned the amount of books she read before becoming a parent i was completely shocked. All this time i thought parenting was a natural insist. Now im not sure how much i agree to referring to books to raise your children but i was impressed by the fact that she educated yourself. I have never thought of parenting this way but it definitely opened my eyes. When i have children i was to be well informed of the right things to do. Like the articles we spoke about in class , when you think your being a good parents , the results in your kids could be the opposite affect.

From the day a baby is born it is important to surround it by positive energy. What i mean by this is that the type of person a baby becomes is influence by everything is it surrounded by. From the way their were raised to the friends they have to the education they receive. I think many people even after having kids dont see the importance in the whole process. When a female becomes a mother , they are a mother for life , not just for a short moment. When people , mostly teenagers, have kids knowing they cannot provide the best for the child , i think its a crime.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HW 57

I cannot wait to be a mother. My reason for having a kid is because i want to see witness the development of character. I have always been intrested in peoples behaviors and individual characterization of ones mental and emoitonal being. Of course parenting is not easy. There are so many diffrent ways to parent a child. Many can be considered bad and others can be considered good . i dont think anyone has ever been considered the perfect parent. My friends all have diffrent paferents. Some of my friends have parents that dont care about them having sex , doing drugs , failing school. Others who's parents dont let them stay out past 8. Parents really do have an effect on how thier kids turn out to be but some of the affects arent what they were trying to push. For example, A strict parents can think that they are helping the child set thier proerities straight by setting them for them but most kids that i know that have strict parents are worst then thoese who dont. Whenever they get thier bit of freedom they go crazy and do everything their parents doesnt ever let them do. This is like an oppisite affect. Which is now ironic to think that some kids who have parents that let them do everything , act the less reckless.

It is intresting to see that the diffrent types of of parenting styles develope diffrent types of kids. This is like what i was saying. The Authoritarian parent might think that they are teaching the kids right from wrong but instead they result in anti socail kids , kids who dont know how to act under pressure and kids with anxitiy. Its the oppisite affect.

Monday, May 17, 2010

HW 56


1. Do you beilieve it is important to have a child grown up with both birth parents?
2. What percentage of a childs action are their parents responsiblie for ?
3. Does missing a parent create an emptiness in the child?
4. Are kids who grow up in full homes (meaning both parents and all sibblings are under the same house hold) emotionaily and mentaly healthier then kids who dont ?
5. Can a single parent raise a sucesccful child ?
6. What is the most important element in parenting ?

Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 55

Research Question: Is there an emotional and physiological difference between kids growing up with both parents and kids growing up in single homes ?

Partners :

Chole: I like your question : "What do you need in order to maintain close communication between family members?" This an important question because one of the most common conflicts within families is lack of communication. It would be intresting to see the comparrision between the parents point of view and the kids, most importantly teens because thoese are the ages of most conflict.

Sammie: I think you should get your own damn question ! thats my advice.

Revised Question: How does the relationship between a child and their parents effect's a child's development?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

HW 54

my results was ISFP "Artist".

I strongly believe these test are the bases to understanding the different personalities that surround us. The Four categorizes , two different types , combining them to make 18 different types of personality , really cover all the types of people i have once interacted with . I sneaked out a copy of the test so i can try to put my family and friends into categories. I was right 11 times out of 13 tries .

HW 53

When we went over the survey results in class , the first thought that came to mind was "who are these people answering these questions?". this was because i didn't expect to see the results i did for a lot of the questions. i gave the students the benefit of the doubt by not amusing that they were lying in their answers but that there were a group of kids that didn't live in my surroundings. Of course this was because i wasn't aware that the survey was being taken by kids in my grade. when i found this out it automatically made sense to me that some of the kids were dishonest in answering these survey questions. Even though the survey was anonymous , im sure some people felt some type of way about being honest in their responses.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

HW 52

One of the most important things to me in life is love. I think the purpose in life is to love and be loved. Life is simply not meaningful if a person doesnt have someone to love or if a person doesnt feel loved . weather its love from a partner , love from your child or love from family , or even love for a hobbie ; love is essintaly in being happy in life .

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hw 41- Internet research om schooling


2. Public school vs home schooled :

3. Definition of school :


Monday, February 22, 2010

HW 40 - Interviews

Part A :

Question- Is your primary motivation in participating in school to socialize or to learn ? ; How do our motivations to learn and socialize affect each other during our school experience ?

Maxi: Well i do go to school to learn because that's what i have to do so i can get a good job in my future but i don't think i would be able to survive school without friends. (what do you think benefits you more in the future, friends or physics ? ) My friends probably because i don't think Im ever going to use anything in physics because i probably wont even remember what i learn but my friends would be there for me whenever i need help .

Elias: To socialize , duhh . ( can you expand on that please ? ) Nah i cant . haha nah but i think everybody is like that .

Raylette: To learn , i don't really enjoy the people in my school . all they do is talk shit about each other behind each others backs. ( but don't you like the drama , i mean if there wasn't any , would school be interesting ? ) Probably not . Like i don't like the drama but its always there , i guess you can saying makes school interesting. like yeah im thinking now , if there wasn't drama i would feel like a robot going to school taking notes and coming back home.

Part B :

HW 39 - First school assignment

Questions :

1. Do students come to school to learn or to socialize ?
2. How useful is the information we are forced to learn in school ?
3. Do adults remember the Experiences or the material they in-countered in school ? Why ?

1. School Started to stop child labor .
2. School is designed so that without it , you cannot hold any weight in society .
3. There is success outside of school .


1. DC trip in 9th grade .
2. The Crime Scene lesson in Ms.Chen's class in 9th grade .
3. Learning about the Muslim culture in Ms.Sadok's class in 9th grade .


Thursday, February 11, 2010

HW 38 - Art Project Cool

Untitled from Stephanie Adames on Vimeo.

1. What insights about cool does the art integrate? What do you hope people will realize or question from their encounter with your art?

The aspect of cool that we were trying to show in this video is how the guy thinks he is cool by being a jerk.

2. Describe the process of making the project - how'd you do each step? If it was a group project, what did you contribute?

Each step of the way we came up with random ideas and just played them out. The main part of the video was to show that him being a jerk didn't allow people to take him serious because they thought he was just trying to be cool so when it came to the meeting about raising money for Haiti, no one wanted to listen to him but he actual came up with a good idea . This shows that he was putting an act of being a jerk to be like his shield in high school so people can think he is cool .

3. Does making art seem cool to you? Why or why not?

Making art does seem cool to me because it is a way to be creative in a unique way. Although there really isn't a way to be unique because we are all puppets of media , when we create art an inner part of us is revealed that others may not understand. When people create art it is almost like the only thing in the world that actually belongs to them .