Wednesday, May 19, 2010

HW 57

I cannot wait to be a mother. My reason for having a kid is because i want to see witness the development of character. I have always been intrested in peoples behaviors and individual characterization of ones mental and emoitonal being. Of course parenting is not easy. There are so many diffrent ways to parent a child. Many can be considered bad and others can be considered good . i dont think anyone has ever been considered the perfect parent. My friends all have diffrent paferents. Some of my friends have parents that dont care about them having sex , doing drugs , failing school. Others who's parents dont let them stay out past 8. Parents really do have an effect on how thier kids turn out to be but some of the affects arent what they were trying to push. For example, A strict parents can think that they are helping the child set thier proerities straight by setting them for them but most kids that i know that have strict parents are worst then thoese who dont. Whenever they get thier bit of freedom they go crazy and do everything their parents doesnt ever let them do. This is like an oppisite affect. Which is now ironic to think that some kids who have parents that let them do everything , act the less reckless.

It is intresting to see that the diffrent types of of parenting styles develope diffrent types of kids. This is like what i was saying. The Authoritarian parent might think that they are teaching the kids right from wrong but instead they result in anti socail kids , kids who dont know how to act under pressure and kids with anxitiy. Its the oppisite affect.

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