Monday, May 10, 2010

HW 55

Research Question: Is there an emotional and physiological difference between kids growing up with both parents and kids growing up in single homes ?

Partners :

Chole: I like your question : "What do you need in order to maintain close communication between family members?" This an important question because one of the most common conflicts within families is lack of communication. It would be intresting to see the comparrision between the parents point of view and the kids, most importantly teens because thoese are the ages of most conflict.

Sammie: I think you should get your own damn question ! thats my advice.

Revised Question: How does the relationship between a child and their parents effect's a child's development?


  1. So maybe to make it more specifically towards relation ships you can say; how does the relationship between a child and their parents effect's a child's development? Or effects how a child's emotions are growing up?

    I know you may want to compare the two types of kids but in order to do this I think you would probably need to look at the relationships between each child and their parents. Or maybe you would want to look up relationships in two married couples and see how their marriage effects the whole family. Kind of like the divorce example Andy wrote accept focusing more on how divorce effects the children.

  2. I think your question is a good one because as a child with one parent I would like to know if people who have both act and feel different then I do. But I also see what chole is saying, it whould help you get a clear and better ansewr to your question if you answer both. But it may take a lot to answer both questions all in one, but which every way you go with it you will be answering a good question.

  3. STEPHY BABY da da daaaa da da! I really like your question because there are many ways you can go with it. Maybe go in depth saying your opinion and talk about the relationships. But overall it is a solid question. :D
