Monday, October 5, 2009

Hw 10 : Informal research Internet,2933,324140,00.html

This article is a report from fox5 based on a study that was printed in the British newspaper, The Independent. They did a study on 35 men and 35 women. They found that late night cell phone use disturbs the deep stage of sleep , which is when your body repairs from the days stress. In teenagers , cellphone radiation disturbs sleep which then causes depression , mood swings , and impair concentration and academic performance.

When i read the part about the teenagers, i started to realize that a lot of people i know that are my age are often depressed , have mood swings , are always tired and aren't getting good grades. I don't know if this is a direct connection or just a coincidence. I myself fall into this category and i do admit im always on the phone late at night. Often im half asleep texting and then wake up in the middle of the night with my cellphone or ipod headphone tangled around me. Ive recently noticed a bad pattern in my sleep. I can never just stay sleeping , i always wake up like 3 times or so. I really am starting to think that its because of my cellphone. Like i mentioned in class, ive been getting these hard as headaches. Its disturbing to think that my cellphone , ipod and computer could be causing me all these health problems because i use them for enjoyment. Right not , i just compared it to a cigarette. People say it relieves their stress and they enjoy smoking but their are addictive and can cause lung cancer.

This article talks about how cellphones are not safe and there Danish are studies that prove it. It also states that questions on the safety of cellphones first started rising in 1990 due to a lawsuit against the manufacturing company from this guy who claimed that the cellphone gave his wife cancer causing her death. It also says in this article that cellphone cause physiological problems, and attention disruptions.

This is an interesting article. It talks about the highest level of radiation that a cellphone can have in order to pass the safety test so it can be sold. the maximum is 1.6 W/kg . Its almost like them make them sound safe now that there is a limit but did they ever think about how often the person was going to be exposed to these radiations? Its gives a list of the top ten highest and lowest radiation cellphone devices.

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