Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HW 15 - abcdef 3

Chris :
I liked how you broke down every aspect of what kind of art feed can be considered. You described what every category meant to you and how you can consider feed to be that type of art. It really shows the way you think and analyze before making a decision.

When talking about the text you mentioned that you never thought about video games in relation to stories but how the text uses the evidence of the read ons and the plot in video games that make them the same as stories. I have never seen video games in this way but when i read the text it sort of clicked to me how they can be related. I don't know if i fully agree it is the best solution for reading books but i can see how you can make an argument that it is.

I feel like you should further expand your reaction and ideas about feed because you read the whole book. I personally feel that your blogs lacked deepen thoughts about the book due to the fact that you actually were one of the few people who finished the book.

It would be nice to talk to you more about the allegory of feed and try to answer one of my personal question which is, "what is the solution to this technologic disruption?"


I like how you pointed out a difference between modern day teenagers (us) and the teenagers in the book feed. We have been focusing how they are alike but not have based a discussion on how they are different. You said that even though we are addicted, the teens in the book aren't aware of the addiction but we are. To me that's a huge difference especially when it comes to the question of whether or not we can break the addiction. Its like when someone is a drug addict, the first step into solving the problem is realizing that they have one.

Your mentioned in your blog post Feed A that another difference between feed and modern day teens is that the feed is one device that they are hooked to and we are hooked to many different devices. Well i think that the feed represents all the devices it is just all in one and connected to your brain. It is all the same thing. We use aim to chat online, facebook to network and twitter to find new gossip, the teenagers in feed do all of that through the feed. If anything the feed makes it 10x easier to stay connected to the media. Which now leads me to think that if we were presented with a feed we would probably use it. I say this because there is this new application available for itouch and iphone that basically connects facebook, myspace and twiiter all in one app. it collects all the new updates into one stream so you can be up to date with everything. Now tell me whats the difference?

i also like hat you bring up how feed opens our eyes to patterns we never noticed before. I personally in reading feed was able to connect it to habits in my everyday life that i never saw as bad habits because i was so use to doing them. once again i find myself trapped in a circle because i want to know how do we break these habit and restore our lives if media basically controls everything. I think if this is a big problem we really see then we need to start taking step forwards to solving the problem. Like you said we are continuing to be "zombies"

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