Monday, October 19, 2009

Hw13 - Feed B

Tobin is really smart with his use of allegory when writing the book feed. He paints the present day obsession of technology as a futuristic advancement of technology. He is smart in doing this because he changes up a few details so that the reader is distracted and doesn't realize that he is talking about them. Other then those minor details, everything can be seen as a direct connection.

My question to Tobin is how we can stop this obsession with technology. He does a great job of making us feel stupid by exaggerating the point that we are all hooked on technology but he does not offer a solution. If anything, he almost makes it seems as if there isn’t a solution at all. The character Violet was the only one who saw what technology was doing and yet she was the charter that died. Is this a symbol that there is no way out?

This book was written with the focus of aiming for young adults that could relate to the use of technology and also still have time to snap into reality. For adults, they were introduced to this late in their childhood so they remember what it is to be without all the fancy devices. Although a lot of adults are as obsessed with technology they have once experienced a time without them. With teens, DRD’s are all we know. They have been advancing as we grow up. They have been introduced to us as soon as we learn how to use them and our obsession grows deeper as they advance. Our timelines are intertwined.

I admire that Tobin can write a book like such but I wonder if he has any solutions in mind. It’s almost like we are running around in circles. We have come to understand that technology is affecting us in a negative way no matter how many goods come from it but we have yet to discover a solution to this tragedy. I feel like apart of the reason why we cannot come up with is a solution is because our minds are not use to doing our own thinking. We can blame it on society, cooperate media, and even technology (as you can see, they all connect together to form the biggest suffering of our generation and present world) but at the end of the day, we are destroyed and until we can find ways to restore ourselves (and of course actually go through with it) I don’t think there is any hope.

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